Different Heart Emoji Colours And Their Meanings - DominzyLoaded Tech Different Heart Emoji Colours And Their Meanings - DominzyLoaded Tech

Different Heart Emoji Colours And Their Meanings

There are lots of things we do unknowingly without understanding the deeper meaning. Many times while chatting on WhatsApp or Facebook with someone we do use some slangs and symbols that may have a deeper meaning but we may not even know.

WhatsApp is a popular social media platform that allows private messages between individual. 
Many a times, we use some Emojis on WhatsApp without knowing the deeper meaning.

When chating someone on WhatsApp, the red heart Emoji "❤" is commonly used for almost everybody without thinking the deeper meaning. Whenever you send a wrong image to someone, it gives such person a wrong impression about you.

Let have a deeper look at the different Heart Emojis available on WhatsApp that many of us hardly use.

The Green Heart Emoji

Green heart emoji
This is called the Jealous Heart. Green love can also mean an act of envy, possessive love or jealousy. This can be use on WhatsApp as form of friendship or reconciliation.

The Red Heart Emoji
Red heart emoji

Red coloured Emoji love is used for expressions of love. This represents deep connection, passion, unconditional love romance and friendship.
Using the red heart on WhatsApp signifies a very helpful person or love. This is commonly used among the love Emojis on WhatsApp.

The Purple (Violet) Heart Emoji 
Purple heart emoji

A violet/purple heart shows understanding, sensitivity, and compassionate love.
This particular emoji is mostly used to show wealth or glamour. A violet heart Emoji also reflects sexuality. This gives you idea that likely the chat partner wants to talk about an amorous adventure.

The Yellow Heart Emoji
Yellow heart emoji

The Gold or yellow coloured hearts signifies Friendship and happiness. Using this on WhatsApp means joy of life and that someone is optimistic and happy.

The Blue Heart Emoji
Picture of a blue heart emoji

A blue heart can also symbolize peace, harmony, trust and loyalty. The blue heart shows a deeply felt loyalty and friendship between the chatters.

The Orange Heart Emoji
Picture of an orange heart emoji

Sending an orange heart is to show great comfort, care and serenity. This particular colour is associated warmth, joy, enthusiasm, success, sunshine, creativity, heat and encouragement. 
Using this Emoji on WhatsApp means you love to stick with someone as a friends and have nothing mutual. This is just for mere friends or acquaintances.

From the above post, you can see that it's not everyone you can be sending the red heart Emoji to on WhatsApp. You might be sending them a wrong impression if you keep using only the red heart emoji.

What do you think about this? Which of it is your favorite colour? Share this post, let other have idea of what all the heart Emojis on WhatsApp represent.

Thanks for reading.

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