How To Stop Whatsapp From Reducing The Quality of Pictures You Post or Send - DominzyLoaded Tech How To Stop Whatsapp From Reducing The Quality of Pictures You Post or Send - DominzyLoaded Tech

How To Stop Whatsapp From Reducing The Quality of Pictures You Post or Send

Someone viewing pictures on a smartphone

 Many atimes when we send pictures to someone on whatsapp, automatically whatsapp tends to reduce the quality of the image and this sometimes gets us annoyed due to the fact that there's nothing we can do.

Sometimes this might sound well for those that are managing their data, but for people that the exact quality of the picture is their priority, they won't like this idea. Gone are they days when you have to send pictures as document file so that whatsapp won't reduce the quality. 

In this post, I'll be teaching you how you can stop whatsapp from reducing the quality of pictures you send. You don't have to be stressing yourself by sending images as document files just to keep the exact quality. 

Follow the steps below.

How To Stop Whatsapp From Reducing The Quality of Pictures You Post or Send:

  1. Go to Your WhatsApp settings and click on Storage and Data
    WhatsApp settings

  2. In the Storage and Data options, scroll down and select Photo Upload quality
    WhatsApp storage and data settings

  3. Select Best Quality and click OK.
    WhatsApp photo upload settings

There you go..

You have now stopped WhatsApp from from reducing any pictures you send henceforth. This is a great news for graphic designers that share their works with their clients on whatsapp.

If you no longer what your pictures to be uploaded at Best quality, you can go back to step 1 and 2, then select either Auto or Data saver.

Thanks for reading.

If you prefer video tutorial to text, here is a clip of the tutorial on our YouTube channel. Click Here to watch the tutorial video

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