How To Know Those That Unfollow You On Instagram - DominzyLoaded Tech How To Know Those That Unfollow You On Instagram - DominzyLoaded Tech

How To Know Those That Unfollow You On Instagram

Many atimes we follow people on instagram and they follow back, but after sometime you find out that your followers have decreased and you would not know who unfollowed you because there's no notification for that on instagram.

But over the past years some app developers have come up with different apps for Android and iOS that can help you find out the exact person(s) that unfollowed you and also give you the option to unfollow them.

In the course of this post, I'll be introducing to you two unique apps that can perform the above function and they are Follow Cop and Unfollowers for Instagram.
These 2 apps posses the function of showing you who unfollow you and also have their different unique functions too.  Follow cop can help you promote your instagram account or page to a local or global audience for just a little fee while Unfollowers for instagram can show you those your followers that have never commented nor liked your pics and videos you uploaded.

Amazing right?! Why not take advantage of these 2 apps by downloading them on Google playstore or iOS App Store. You can also request for the apk file here

How to use the apps

  • Download from your App Store and install
  • Open, and sign up with your instagram account 
  • Multiple accounts are allowed 
  • Wait for it to load your account info
  • The rest is easy as you navigate through the pages and tabs. 

Feel free to comment below if you face any trouble while following the above steps. 

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