How To Completely Delete Virus From Your Computer Without Using Antivirus - DominzyLoaded Tech How To Completely Delete Virus From Your Computer Without Using Antivirus - DominzyLoaded Tech

How To Completely Delete Virus From Your Computer Without Using Antivirus

The steps below will guide you on how to delete virus from your computer without using antivirus. 
We will be making use of command prompts.

1.       Firstly, click on start menu, and search for cmd.

2.       After that, right click on the command prompt icon, and run as administrator.

3.       Once the command prompt windows is open, select the drive you wish to wipe virus from. Let’s assume drive to be D.

4.       Now, input the below command and hit enter.

attrib -s -h /s /d *.*

5.       After that, input the below command and hit enter. The command should display all your file content.


6.       Once you notice any unusual file.exe or any autorun.inf, simply rename with the command (rename filename.extension newfilename).

That’s it. The virus on your drive would be wiped off. You can now access your drive without experiencing any virus attack.

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